About Us

Drummond Capital Partners was founded in 2017 to provide wealth management clients with institutional, active investment management via leading edge managed account technology.

About Us

Drummond Capital Partners are a multi-asset investment manager providing institutional grade portfolio management under the transparent and efficient managed account structure. The firm was established in Melbourne in 2017 and is owned and managed by the investment team that has a combined 100+ years of investment experience.

At Drummond, we believe in the power of asset allocation as academic evidence shows this is the primary driver of long term returns. We invest considerable time and resources into both strategic and tactical asset allocation which combined with our proprietary manager research deliver high quality, risk aware portfolios.

An Introduction to Drummond Capital Partners

Investment Team

Client Services Team

Advisory Board

How We Think

We recognise that everyone's investment journey is different, and we can't rely on the past as a guide to the future.  As such, we seek to actively manage our portfolios within a disciplined and conservative framework to minimise risk and deliver on client objectives over the long-term. We believe everyone wants to benefit when markets are strong and protect their capital when they are not.

Our investment philosophy is centred around four key beliefs.


We believe markets are not fully efficient

We believe in active management both at a portfolio level (tactical asset allocation) and within the underlying asset classes, seeking to identify which sub-sectors have persistent opportunities for outperformance and those managers best positioned to capture this. This requires the mandate flexibility to act with discretion and experienced investment decision makers to oversee the process.


We believe investment risk is more than volatility

Often the biggest risks are not easily observed. These not only include investment risks but liquidity, counterparty and operational risks. We undertake significant proprietary research into economies, asset classes and underlying investments to build robust, risk aware portfolios.


We believe in portfolio diversity and quality

Given markets are not efficient in the short term, we believe portfolios should be constructed to reflect this uncertainty by being built with high quality investments that provide diversity across asset class, geography, and underlying managers.


We believe our clients success will be our success

Our business is structured with the strongest alignment of interests. We are 100% owned by the investment team and all members are invested in the portfolios alongside our clients.